Commissioned by Arts House in Melbourne, Australia உயர்வு Uyirvu (‘growth and rise’) illustrates histories of resistance and futures filled with regenerative joy. In this window commission, Siva delves into the themes of hybridity, fluidity, affirmations and rest. Through the lens of speculative fiction, the imagery of lizards and Millet grass evoke concepts of regrowth and the cycles of nature. Central to the work are the Tamil texts, notably அமைதி Amaithy which evokes a sense of serenity, tranquillity and harmony. The typography மாவீரர் Maaveerar, accompanying the tiger, symbolises strength and warrior spirit, while ஒற்றுமை Ottrumai, accompanying the three headed snake, translates to togetherness. உயர்வு Uyirvu offers space to imagine joy as a multi-dimensional experience and gestures towards themes of unity, resilience and empowerment. Part of the exhibition ಒಡಲಾಳ Odalala (‘from the depths of one’s being’) curated by Vishal Kumaraswamy, brings together Australian and international artists to examine histories of caste, migration, gender and sexuality through contemporary expression. Unfolding across the entirety of Arts House during Dalit History Month, ಒಡಲಾಳ Odalala is a multi-format activation, featuring an exhibition, talks, screenings, communal meals and curator and accessible tours. https://www.artshouse.com.au/events/odalala/